To the AGM of the PG Wodehouse Society on Monday evening. They have moved around a bit over the years.

When I first joined they met at the Savage Club which has been peripatetic too. Its premises are modest, a single room on the ground floor of the National Liberal Club. The Savage tired of us and we moved to the Arts Club in Dover Street. We really aren’t at all boisterous but the Arts Club too asked us to move on and we met in a couple of pubs near Aldwych. These were thoroughly unsatisfactory but inertia kept us meeting there until the Savoy Tup doubled booked  us with another event and we were chucked out.

We could not overlook this discourtesy and cast around for somewhere more fitting to meet. An ideal solution presented itself in the form of the drawing room at the Savile Club in Brook Street. It is an elegant room made additionally attractive by a long table covered with a linen tablecloth and groaning with booze.

The AGM was mercifully brief and conducted with a light hand by our Chairman, Hilary Bruce. It is customary to have some form of improving entertainment at these get-togethers and on Monday our Master of the Revels, Paul Kent, delivered a talk about the Wodehouse connection with London clubs and a bit about the Savile to boot. I hope the Savile will invite us back.

I find that I am not fresh as a daisy the morning after these PGW binges but what better way to dispose of a hangover than by travelling on the Piccadilly line and BA to Toulouse and then wrestling with the controls of a hire car bowling across the Gers.

Sunrise in the Gers, September 2017.


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