Murray Mints

  On Saturday Robert takes Bertie to Richmond Park; other suburbians in west London go to the supermarket, wash the car or simply have a cup of coffee and read the papers.

Spuds in Mali

I joined Kiva in June 2015. Time to see how the project is going.

Categorised as Charities

Annual Review

National Churches Trust send their supporters this 52-page account of what they have been up to.

Categorised as Charities

Reuben College

In the last century tube strikes were not infrequent. One morning in the 1980s a colleague was at the end of a long queue at a bus stop in north London. An expensive car pulled over and the driver offered her a lift if she was going to the City.

How To Spend It

Like Bertie with a bone, I’m reluctant to leave Patrick O’Brian. His stepson is Count Nikolai Tolstoy and his eldest daughter is Countess Alexandra Tolstoy-Miloslavsky. May I digress?