Revelation 6

The bible has some powerful passages especially if you read the King James Version; modern translations are watered down.

Bark Beetle

Another wireless programme I dip into is Farming Today on Radio 4 at 5.45 am.

Categorised as Environment

What It Says on the Tin

A tin of tuna, a store cupboard staple with a long shelf life, but you may ponder if pods of dolphins have perished in purse seine nets used to catch the ptuna (PGW reference) and you may wonder what sort of tuna it is and from whence it came. Don’t say the sea!

Breasts and Bottoms

Litter is a First World problem but I live in the First World and I don’t like litter, unless it’s a litter of beagle puppies.


Many years ago I was instinctively anti hare-coursing. It seemed cruel to kill hares as a sport and there was plenty of polemic literature to reinforce my prejudice.