No FT …

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the FTWeekend to fit through my letterbox.

Some Corner of a Foreign Field

When PG Wodehouse was interned in 1940 he had a long and uncomfortable journey to Upper Silesia, spending five weeks in the fort at Huy, a place better viewed from the outside. You will be curious about Huy and may not be quite sure where it is or how to pronounce it.

Blue Mist

Next time I watch Lawrence of Arabia I will pay more attention to the armoured car. It’s a replica in David Lean’s film.

No Business Like Snow Business

Yesterday morning is the first time Bertie has seen snow. Beagles are inquisitive and he marvelled at this phenomenon, although it didn’t take him long to work out it was best appreciated standing under the garden table.

Categorised as Family