Does Size Matter?

I have never been to Europe’s largest city, changing ‘planes doesn’t count, but I have visited sixteen out of the twenty largest by population.

Categorised as Travel

A Delicate Truth

I have two paperbacks by Paul Micou: Rotten Times and The Last Word. You wouldn’t judge a book by its cover, would you?

Categorised as Literature


It’s over to you this morning. It’s a selection of your nostalgic comments in the early days of my website. It was rather Blue Peter; to begin with there were no pictures and then they were upside down, since corrected. 

Zoom Zoom Zoom

Ira Gershwin was prescient when he wrote these lyrics for the 1937 film, Shall We Dance. His brother George supplied the music and Fred Astaire and Dudley Dickerson  (I thought you’d need help with Dudley) did the rest.

Home James

My Jameson grandmother would never say “home James and don’t spare the horses” when I was at the wheel.

Vietnam Revisited

You may have noticed I’m becoming mildly obsessed with my investments as a bit of light relief from reading and doing crosswords. This breaks one of my rules: don’t look.

Covid Cuisine

I hope you will agree that food porn is harmless. I like this shot because the photographer just had to eat most of the nuts and have a slurp of the red before taking the picture. I like the look of the garlic bread.

Hither and Thither

The bone china plate in the centre is hand-painted. It refers to the title sequence at the beginning of Jeeves and Wooster, a television series on ITV shown at the end of the last century.

For Richer for Poorer

When Edward Bellew married Augusta Bryan in 1853 it brought two old, landed Catholic families together; one rich the other stupendously rich.